Friday, May 30, 2008

Second Day Completed

Another good day has gone by. I still need to give you all the details of the 3 hour and 45 minute chemo cocktail party. I will make sure I will do it tomorrow.
I guess I'm not listening to this quote! lol

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I survived my first day after chemo

So far so good, I’m just a little tired. I’m hoping that things will stay that way. I’ll probably be asleep in an hour. I’ll update you more tomorrow! I'm sorry I'm so sleepy!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hot Chick on Chemo

I'm feeling great.. So far so good. I'll give you all the details tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Chemo Minus 18 hours

I’m getting ready for tomorrow. I took my first pre-chemo drug today. I guess it helps against allergic reaction. I'll let you know of all my good drugs soon!
I will also bringing my camera tomorrow so I should have some pics to show you.
Don’t laugh to hard. =) Wish me luck!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Time to kick cancer ass!

Chemo starts in 5 days on Wednesday, May 28 @ 3pm. They say it take 3 days until I really feel the yucks and it will take 14 days to start losing my hair. I will have to take lots of pictures of my sexy bald head.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I'd Rather Do Chemo Than ....

As it stands now I am starting chemo next Thursday. The reason it is taking so long is that I need to have a Lupron shot tomorrow. This shot might have side effects. The doctor doesn’t want the side effects to be confused with the Chemo treatment. As for the chemo regiment I will be having it every 3 weeks for 4 sessions. I was told that the injection process will take at least 2 hours. So I have to bring some good movies to watch.

Today I went to my intro to chemo class. I was pretty much familiar with everything that they told me. The one good thing I got out of it was that I can’t clean the litter box. LOL Poor Justin I’m going to milk that as long as possible!!

Tomorrow I have my John Meir tumor board. I really think highly of these people. If they feel my current course of treatment isn’t correct they will let me know. I’ll let you know how that goes!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

It was show and tell last night and I brought my new prosthetic boob

Yesterday I went to a birthday celebration for Sharon. We used to work together a few years ago. There were 8 of us hot ladies there including my sister and Karen (my sister from another mother). I really love those ladies they make me laugh!

I picked up my new Prosthetic boob yesterday and I had to whip it out and show everyone at the birthday party. It is so soft and almost feels real. Here is what it looks like

On Thursday I found out my oncotype score was 19. The ranges are low risk of recurrence 17 or lower, intermediate risk 18 to 30, and high risk 31 or higher. So I just made the intermediate rick category. This is great news I think!

I also got my PET scan results back. It looks clear. They don’t think the cancer spread! Yahoo!

Next week is another big week.
Tuesday – Support group & my introduction to chemo class at Kaiser
Wednesday – Tumor board at John Meir (second opinion on chemo) & young woman support group
Thursday - Justin’s and I 4th anniversary
Friday – Chemo???

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ....

Well the answer is chemo. I met my second opinion doctor today. She is pretty straight forward and gave us the fact. I really like her! She told me I will need the cocktail of TC . Here is some info on it!

I'm not sure how i feel about this. I know its a good thing but it scares the shit out of me!

Monday, May 12, 2008

One tuff titty

Today has been a little crazy with the status of my appointments. My Tuesday appt. got changed to Friday at 10am (because my test result are not in).
My Wednesday tumor board got changed to next week (because they didn't have all my labs).
So now I won’t know anything until at least Thursday(That is when I have my appt with the second opinion doctor).
Today I went to a class called look good feel good. It was really fun. I got two wigs just in case I lose my hair. The funny thing is that the wigs are red.. he he I made Justin try them on and he look hot!lol just like me.. lol

I will take picture of me in them.. You will laugh!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Count Down to the chemo answers

Life seems to be back to normal. I’m feeling great. The redness under my arm is almost gone. I’m able to sleep and do normal thing.

I’ve been going to a newly diagnosed support group on Tuesdays. It is really nice to meet with woman going through the same shit I’m dealing with.

I’m still just waiting until next week thats when I should get the answers about chemo. I hope!

Tonight I’m over at my sister’s house watching her kids. She is at a concert tonight. We are watching the golden compass. How normal is that! lol

Love this shirt.. I wonder if this will be me?

Friday, May 2, 2008

Happy Friday!!

It’s been pretty quiet around here. I don’t have another appt until next Friday. That’s when I have a PET scan. I’m feeling almost as well as before my surgery. I only feel a little pain when I reach for something.

Today I’ve been thinking about someone I met in young women’s with breast cancer group. Her name is Elena. She is 36 year old (with 2 kids) and having a double mastectomy today. She has already gone through chemo to shrink her tumor. I know she will do great today and she will end up with a great rack =)

My 2 cents on life:
You always should look at the bright side of life or you will get stuck with the shit! LOL