I’m going to go on a little getaway to Capitola this weekend with 4 other girls. It was something I planned before I was diagnosed. I didn’t think I would be well enough to go but here I am going! We are staying at a place right by the beach. It’s going to be cold but it will be nice to drink coffee on the beach and watch the waves. I’ll be back on Sunday.
I have been having problems sleeping. I woke up at 1 this morning and made a cake for the trip. I hope it tastes ok. =) I can’t wait until its comfortable to sleep again!
I forgot to tell you I get my first fake boob yesterday. Its called a softee. Here is what it looks like:

At least I dont look to lopsided anymore with my clothes on.. lol
Hey Girly,
Glad to hear about the test results. I hope you have a wonderful time this weekend. I love the new boob. Is that one of Justin's socks..... You are beautiful lopside or even. Let me know id you need anything.
Love ya
hey girl! wondering if you and Justin have any plan of joining us camping this year? I'm sure it depends on how therapy stuff goes, but wondered if there was even a chance?!
Love ya,
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