Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Finally Done????

I’m excited that this is my last chemo treatment but I’ve been around too many women that have said the same. Their Cancer has returned and they had to undergo chemo again. Who is to say I won’t be the same!!! How do I go on thinking I will be the lucky one???? I know if the will to fight was the way to stop cancer from returning then I would have no Cancer in me. I know I will kick cancer butt although I know its all about how my cells are behaving.. I'm not going to be Cancer's Bitch… She will be mine. I have radiation next and I’m going to breeze through it!!! I know it!! l'm kicking Cancer BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cancer 0 - Colleen 1

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Inovis Picnic Over the weekend

Here is some funny pictures from this weekend.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

1 Down One to Go

I only have one chemo to go. I have also finished with my support group. I guess I have graduated from the newly diagnosed group. There is another group I can go to but I’m not sure if I’m ready for it. It is just a breast cancer support group. I’m not sure about having to tell my story again. I guess I will just wait and see how I feel. I’m thinking about going to an individual councilor. I will have to check into it! I feel I have a lot of anger built up over this cancer. I really want beat the crap out of it and ask it why! lol
I can’t believe I only have one more chemo treatment to go. I hope the chemo killed all of the bad cells. =)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Chemo 3 Picture (Fuck Cancer)

Here is my new hat.. Its a little hot to wear outside!

Back on the Sauce Again

I have my next chemo treatment at 1pm today and I should be home around 4:30 to enjoy the heat. I need to get a pool so bad. =)
Some hair is growing back. I’m not sure how long that will last but it is coming in blonde. Wouldn’t that be funny if Icould finally a true blonde..

Funny Stuff

Monday, July 7, 2008

Almost ¾ done

This week I have my third chemo treatment. I know I have been whining a little and I’m sorry. I just hate the feeling of being sick. At least I only have 1 more after this!

I’ve been thinking about high school times. Cara (she posted a comment on my last blog) reminded me of all the fun summer times we had. We used to camp all summer at Trinity and play in the water. We also used to have nikmo’s (inside joke I know I spelled wrong). Life had no worries. Cara, Maria, Chris and I were Trouble… The good kind! I will have scan a picture! I know we never thought of Cancer. Sometimes I wish I could go back… I would love to hang out with the gang again!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th

How sad it is that all I can think about on the 4th is my next treatment. It has been a great day! I had the in-laws at the house to bbq and we watched the fireworks on TV. Justin did a great job BBQ’n hamburgers. Yummy!! This was the first time I’ve watched the fire works on TV and it was better than good old DVC (that’s a college by me).
Next week is my 3rd treatment. Anyone want to do it for me??? I would gladly let you..