Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Finally Done????

I’m excited that this is my last chemo treatment but I’ve been around too many women that have said the same. Their Cancer has returned and they had to undergo chemo again. Who is to say I won’t be the same!!! How do I go on thinking I will be the lucky one???? I know if the will to fight was the way to stop cancer from returning then I would have no Cancer in me. I know I will kick cancer butt although I know its all about how my cells are behaving.. I'm not going to be Cancer's Bitch… She will be mine. I have radiation next and I’m going to breeze through it!!! I know it!! l'm kicking Cancer BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cancer 0 - Colleen 1


Tracy said...

Yeah for you! It was so great to see you guys camping! Even if you did win the popcorn contest.....of course, even if you'd have lost, I'd still be in last place with the whole burning issue. I think I'm gonna sue Jiffy Pop for a defective batch! Here's to the end of chemo and a fast trip thru radiation!

Denise said...

You definitely have the attitude to kick this thing. Continue with the positive attitude, it's amazing but it can do wonders. Good luck and your hair will grow in beautifully. It will be like babies hair.